Stealing a moment...

on Wednesday, February 4

Dana is making a run to grab a movie and grab some Cold Stone for the both of us (thank goodness for coupons!). So I am stealing a moment to blog!

I got to leave work early today. being limited to a 40 hour a week work schedule certainly has its advantages. Since I have to work late tomorrow and Friday- I got to leave at 1pm today, pick up Dara and take her to piano lessons. On the way to pick her up from school, I cleaned out the minivan (nobody could have EVER told me how corroded a minivan could get with children- don't even ask me to describe what I found underneath the car seat!). I got the car washed, and still had time to zip over to Yard and Garden Land for 20 minutes before pickup at Kingsway, for some pre-spring Garden inspiration. I have to tell you that many of the witch-hazels are blooming, and the buds on the winter daphne are growing pinker by the day. Soon their heady lemony scent will fill the air heralding the coming of spring. Can you tell my gardening juices are flowing??

I got home and got completely ready for the next day, puttered around in the yard. After I snipped off the English Ivy creeping through my back fence from my neighbor's neglected abandoned yard, I sprayed the stubs with Round-Up. Can't have that stuff showing up in my garden beds.

I came back inside to a smiley Josiah who plays and periodically stops, grins ear to ear and just waves at you. If he gets any more charming, I don't know what we will do. It makes me a little nervous for when he gets older. Dana and Dara finished their homemade Valentines cards today for Dara's 3rd grade class - and I fixed dinner. It was sort of an unusual day for us. Kind of like a Friday in the middle of the week. {sigh} It has been a good day. Blessings!


Danelle said...

Sounds wonderful!! Thanks for sharing. :)

Slambert said...

Shawn and Dana,

Thanks for posting on my blog. It was so great to hear from you, and then have the opportunity to view your blog and see your beautiful children. You two look wonderful as well. It would be wonderful to connect again, sometime when I am in the NW.

Seth Lambert

Valerie said...

Hi guys! I haven't checked your blog in ages, but it sure was fun and seriously I have know idea how Josiah could be one... have we really been gone that long?
miss you guys!!