2nd Grade Program, Cute Baby Pics and Hamster Wheels

on Wednesday, April 16

Howdy Friends-

It's late Wednesday evening- and its been a long day. The dishes from dinner are still on the counter and the table. I got home from Starbucks after a 10.5 hour shift, and by the time we had finished dinner it was time to get Dara ready for reading time and bed, do Josiah's next to the last feeding and settle down for the results show on American Idol and catch all the buzz about the cold weather we're supposed to have this weekend. About 10:30pm I am starting to freak out, so I made this little video for you all. Hope you enjoy it (warning: I am looking more than a little frumpy- but that just lends itself to the authenticity of the content). Here it is:

There is a candid glimpse into our home! Hope you enjoyed it :)

And now for some ultra-cute baby pics! (Applause and drum roll...)

This picture was taken when Daddy got adventurous with some clothes we pulled out of Josiah's 0-3 month drawer the other day. I will call this picture: Handsome Little Dude

This next picture was so adorable. We took Dara's old Fisher price sound and lights gym and got it set up for Josiah. When he started playing with it, Dara said that Josiah "needed" her to show him how it worked and that he really wanted her down there with him. Check out this one:

And lastly, since Josiah has been growing so much lately (it seems that he is going to be breaking into his 3-6 month clothes here in the next 3-4 weeks because he's so long), we have had to shop for some 3-6 clothes for warmer weather. Originally all his 3-6 month clothes were for the dead of winter because the doctor thought he was going to be big. Instead we had him 4 weeks early and he has been a little bean! So we found this cute little speedo sun hat for this summer and we had to try it on. He looked hilarious!

On another fun note- this week Dara had her 2nd grade program. Their theme this year was "Under the Sea". The last several weeks they have been studying ocean life, they have prepared reports about particular ocean animals (Dara's was the bottlenose dolphin), and memorized scripture from Genesis about how God made the sea and the animals in it. Well, our little Dara came home from school one day telling us about how she auditioned for a solo in the musical! We were excited (and a little surprised at the initiative she demonstrated to audition for the part, and VERY proud!) Well, she got the part! And last night, I must say we felt a little star struck watching our little girl sing about "Ollie the Octopus". Here's a short video clip of Dara singing- she is in the pink shirt on the right side and she sings the second verse. Check it out:


Danelle said...

Wow -this is all so great! Yeah, we can relate to that whole hamster wheel thing... and the laundry, too. *sigh* Thanks for putting it so candidly in song! :) And that Josiah!! I see your pictures and it kind of makes me sad... that he's changing SO fast, and we're not there to be part of it. What an absolute cutie pie, though. We love seeing the updates!! Keep 'em coming! And then Dara's part in the program - how very special! She did such a good job! We're proud of you, too, Dara!
Lots of love from the Andres house.

Stephanie said...

I didn't watch your video yet (sorry... I will, promise LOL) but I did watch Dara's and Omgoodness she is just adorable and has a great voice! I heard all about the production (we were almost invited by my mom, but somehow weren't... hmph LOL) and it sounded SO cute!

And Josiah!!!!! Oh my, he makes me want to reach through the screen and scoop him up! He is such a sweetie!

So quick question! How big was Dara (she was full term right)? And how big was Josiah? I ask because I am supposedly being induced at 37 weeks and both Caleb and Brynna were 7.8 and 7.6lbs respectively. I am nervous that I am going to have an itty bitty little guy on my hands with Aiden! What size clothes fit Josiah when he was born? Were newborn sizes okay?


Anonymous said...

I loved your song Shawn! Too funny! LOL! I also loved seeing Dara singing at her school production! I also loved loved the pictures of Josiah! He is getting so big! I love his little speedo hat! I don't check this as often as I should because I keep forgetting too so I get a little behind! I am so glad you have this site though since I don't get to see you guys much! I love seeing all the pics and reading all about what is going on in your lives! I love you all very much!