Piano Girl

on Monday, March 31

Some of you may or may not know that we have had Dara in piano lessons this year. She has been doing extremely well- and I thought I would post a small video clip of her playing the piano. This is one of the songs she has been working on in her piano lessons. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Dara, you are a great piano player! I'll show the kids this clip of you in the morning when they are up. We got your message about Webkinz just today which is why you didn't hear from Joseph Jr. He's registering his poodle tomorrow! Tell your Mom and Dad I had a dream that for church announcements we were using Webkinz animals as props like a puppet show and making video clips.
Mrs. Flowers

Anonymous said...

That was awesome Dara! YEAH! How cute! She is getting so big! She reminds me of Dana! LOL!